What's Been Going On
The past two weeks, I've been in training at work for a new position. I am moving out of Reservations Sales to Guest Services. My job will be helping reservation agents to fix reservations, book dining for executives, help the front desk of our resorts with reservations, and many other things. I started working on the floor last Weds. I've been taking calls and have been very comfortable with it, but I'm still with a trainer/shadow. I'm sitting at someone else's desk taking the calls, so they can monitor me and be there if I have questions. I'm ready to move on, but not all of the programs have been updated with the new privileges I need to do my job. Hopefully that will be fixed by the time I get to work tomorrow. But I'm not holding my breath.
Here at home, Andy and I have been trying to get the house presentable for when mom and dad arrive in 10 days. I'm waiting on my darling husband to finish cleaning up his mess in my craft room. He built a projector in there because I have a large desk to do my scrapbooking, sewing, etc on. After he is done cleaning it, I can get it organized so we can pull out the sofa couch for my parents!
Andy's projector turned out really nice. I've attached photos at the end for all to see. It's fun having a big screen to watch movies on. The only downside is that it currently need the computer (Mushu) to provide the video. Which means, Mushu is in the living room away from the cable modem. Andy told me to just take the modem to the living room, but that seemed silly to me.
The critters are doing good and handling my crazy schedule well. Tommy and Diego love the tree being up. I'll find them curled up on the tree skirt sleeping. They have been very good about leaving the ornaments alone. Tommy does like to chew on the branches though, probably not a good thing with the lights....... Zoe and Cindi are being their usual selves. They are finally figuring out that they can actually relax while out of the cage. Cindi will stretch out on the floor in front of the cage and hang out after doing some exploring.
I really need to get some laundry done and try to get some cleaning done.
Hope everyone is having a fantastic Sunday!
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